Freeze-dried bacterial strains CultiControl:
The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem, the ATCC Licensed Derivative word mark and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. Liofilchem® s.r.l. is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from ATCC® cultures. Look for the ATCC Licensed Derivative® Emblem for products derived from ATCC® cultures.
NCTC® is a registered trademark of Public Health England. Liofilchem is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from NCTC® cultures.
![Mask Group](/images/prodotti-evidenza/culticontrol/mask-group-liofilchem.png)
![Mask group Liofilchem](/images/prodotti-evidenza/culticontrol/mask-group.png)